I’m not a morning person. Well…let me rephrase that. I never used to be a morning person. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still more of a night owl but this is the shoot that changed my perspective on “sunrise” sessions. There’s something magic about being awake and outside in nature before anyone else.
My windscreen wipers ticked over in the rain as I drove to meet Brooke for sunrise. Part of me wanted to cancel, because I knew we wouldn’t get a sunrise and I didn’t want to dissapoint Brooke. Oh boyyyy, little did I know that rainy, overcast weather makes the most beautiful, soft and magic lighting known to mankind. This is now my favourite type of weather to shoot in, EVER. Don’t get my wrong, sunrises and sunsets are freakin’ gorgeous, but there is just something so special about a sunrise drizzle.
This is my friendly reminder, don’t reschedule your shoot if the forecast is set to rain. It might just make your shoot that much more magical…

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